Excerpt: “HC-B employ a myriad of instrumentation to create an impassioned, often bombastic sound. There’s an air of King Crimson-esque authority to a number of tracks… The five core members of this band collaborate with string sections and brass arrangements throughout, entangling their guitars, bass and percussion in a sea of elegant instrumentation, along with subtle touches of synth, electronics and ghostly Theremin howls. Such a policy results in inspiring, crescendo-laden numbers like ‘Playing with Planes’ which builds momentum via introspective hues not a million miles away from Tortoise… HC-B cram as much as possible into Soundcheck’s 50-minute running time and it actually comes as a disappointment when it ends. There’s simply far too much going on in this record that to simply label these Italians as a mere post-rock band would be doing them a great disservice.”
HC-B "Soundcheck For A Missing Movie" – [sic]
Mar 25, 2009 | HC-B Reviews, Reviews