Excerpt: “opening track ‘A Dusty Book, A City Of Lights’ sets an elegant standard, with its dreamy, jazz-like beginning that builds up to a crescendo of heavy bass, celebrating horns, frantic drums and an insisting guitar. And as many of the other tracks on this album, it is an almost ten-minute-long pleasure to listen to. Just holding you on the verge of noisiness. This balance between the melodic, almost atmospheric symphonic, and the more noise-rock expression is some of what impresses me the most with this brilliant album…. And here I could have gone on an on about the small things that makes this such a great piece of modern symphonic rock. Because that is what HC-B present on Soundcheck For A Missing Movie; post-rock as it is meant to be. Seductive, visual, noisy and mind-blowing.”
HC-B "Soundcheck For A Missing Movie" – Luna Kafe
Mar 17, 2009 | HC-B Reviews, Reviews