Excerpt: “City Of Satellites craft out beautifully mellowing starry-eyed dream-weaving post-rock sculptures that are delicately dimpled with shoegaze and mid-’80s goth/4AD-styled dialects and lushly tendered with sweetly amorphous ambient trance lines. Opening cut ‘Moon In The Sea’ is particularly sugared so, sounding at times like a distant cousin of Ecstasy of Saint Theresa being cosmically fused with Tin Drum-era Japan… ‘Sleeping Disgrace’ tweaks on the heart strings a little firmer, introspective and bruised… it’s the parting cut that seals the set. Maybe it’s the dry-iced cinematic tethered cavernous swathes that endow ‘The Spook’ with its lush defence-surrendering sensibilities, all at once expansive and celestial, majestic and statuesque, that to these ears evoke some disarming frost-tipped orbital manoeuvre being instigated by Chapterhouse and Slowdive. A gem.”
City Of Satellites "The Spook" – Losing Today
Dec 15, 2008 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews