Aug 30, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt (loosely translated): “It all sounds fantastic and it does not need to be said that this music is for people who cannot get enough of Eno-esque soundscapes (although you can also hear Klaus Schulze’s influence) and others will just continue to...Aug 22, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Mehr builds monoliths out of buzzing, oscillating swells of metered noise cutting deep crevices across the porous surface of cooling granite-slab of the mind. Yes, it is that kind of thing. Mehr’s compositions are submerged beneath a tumultuous...Aug 17, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “German-based technician Markus Mehr does allow his compositions to move, but ever so slightly – incorporating deep, monolithic washes of gurgling synthesizer that move across the listener like tectonic plates… Like a lot of ambient artists,...Aug 17, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Brian Eno once said of his aesthetic for composing ambient music, ‘that it should be as ignorable as it is interesting’. While not necessarily adhering to this doctrine, Markus Mehr does succeed in one of these categories, which is...Aug 17, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Except “Great cover with the sky bubbling like magma. Markus Mehr was originally a rock guitarist who now makes more ambient and electronic music, but the inner guitar hero isn’t entirely absent. Lava is quite an eclectic album, and a little oddly paced. There’s...Aug 17, 2010 | Markus Mehr Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Ambient drone loveliness from the German, with plenty of heartwrenching drama among the pulses and drifts. ‘Hubble’ is the most gorgeous synth orchestration I’ve heard in ages, a 1000-yard low drone gathering sparkles of melody as it...