“Lost In Transmissions” Compilation Reviewed at Wake The Deaf

“You might recognise Hidden Shoal from our piece on Olive Skinned, Silver Tongued Sirens Sing Swan Songs, the latest album from REW<<. The label has recently released Long Range Transmissions, the first in a series of themed compilations which showcase the...

Erik Nilsson “Hearing Things” Reviewed at Music Won’t Save You

Erik Nilsson creates a highly composited acoustic-ambient work and different than many other artists working on an assembly of electronic modulations to a single predominant instrument.

The Swedish artist instead builds a veritable universe of tonal guitar, acoustic and occasional rhythmic piano notes, subject to filtering more or less deep. In his second solo album, “Hearing Things”, this process is successful in compositions by outstanding features cinematic-descriptive that, in the course of the eight tracks on the album, open up a wide range of sensations.