Aug 10, 2009 | Elisa Luu Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “a new path in the world of electronica…’The Garden’ might be a digital botanical garden, with a broad spectrum of scents and colours. During the 5 minute track, a lot of artificial flowers and plants have had their time to grow…...Jul 20, 2009 | Elisa Luu Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “On the evidence of this EP, Elisa Luu is an astonishingly talented artist, crafting immersive and emotive soundfields with ease. Fingers crossed that she can muster an album of similar quality sometime soon.” Luna...Jul 20, 2009 | Elisa Luu Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “There is a balance of songness and sound, of an experimentalist’s emphasis on texture and a composer’s on tone, that makes Elisa Luu’s Floating Sounds (Phantom Channel) one of the most immediately awarding and arresting netlabel releases of the year thus...