Apr 6, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “One of the most unabashedly shoegaze-y albums in recent memory… City Of Satellites’ Jarrod Manual and Thomas Diakomichalis have tuned their ears to the expansive dream-pop of the classic 4AD roster and the likeminded M83, relishing the elastic...Mar 4, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “What elevates City Of Satellites’ dream pop above others’ takes on the style is the urgency driving the nine songs on Machine Is My Animal, the group’s follow-up to its debut EP The Spook… Though the group includes only two...Feb 18, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “On first listen, the 9 tracks play like one long trip through a colorful cosmic cloud with a dreamy, mysterious flow and a lush underbelly of celestial sounds. But over time, the songs distinguish themselves with swirling layers of enveloping...Feb 10, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “City of Satellites creates pleasant, nostalgic and shoe-gaze derived pop that is like a mid-afternoon reverie… the album is a grower and sneaks up quietly on the listener, channelling the 1980s in a manner reminiscent of M83’s most recent work....Feb 10, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “City of Satellites have crafted an album filled with dense space and fueled by vintage synthesizers and melodically rich vocals…. the production values on the record rival that of heavyweights M83 and Aphex Twin.” Drum...Feb 10, 2010 | City of Satellites Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “This is the 21st Century – ten years in. Except City Of Satellites don’t inhabit our today. They inhabit the 21st Century we foresaw back in the past – all robotics, ray-guns and flying machines. The Tomorrow’s World of our youth. Or maybe there...