May 2, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “There is no maelstrom, no swell of overwhelming sound. Antonyme’s first full-length work, The License to Interpret Dreams, is defiant in its fragility; in fact, the work is so over-wrought that it teeters on the point of collapse. It seems its purpose...May 2, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “This album is not typical of ambient music I have reviewed in the past. If your first impression is to skip over this article because ambient is not to your liking, I would invite you to reconsider and welcome you to be pleasantly...May 2, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “From the very first drops of sonic mist surrounding the mysterious arrangement of this cinematic journey, I already know, that this album will remain on my rotation for the years to come. The Licence To Interpret Dreams is a sophomore release by Ian M...May 2, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Ambient is term which can be thrown about a little too readily these days. But how do you define it? Simple song structures? Sparse instrumental arrangement? Pace? Or a combination of these things? One’s thing’s for sure: if you were to add beauty to...Apr 1, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Antonymes has swiftly built a strong following with emotive music which is melancholic but never morose… At a time when mainstream music has lost much of its value with the average consumer, a work such as The Licence To Interpret Dreams reminds...Mar 25, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews
Excerpt: “Much like Fat Cat’s enigmatic Hauschka and found applying a similar ear for the harnessing, manipulating and choreographing of space and silence as additional instrumentation to enhance both mood and texture as Jon Atwood nee Yellow6, Antonymes dapples...