Jun 2, 2007 | Colour Kane News, My Majestic Star News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Wes Willenbring News
Check out Internet radio station WWUH, playing tracks from a host of Hidden Shoal releases, including the outstanding Somewhere Someone Else by Wes Willenbring on their Ambience show.Apr 11, 2007 | Colour Kane News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Wes Willenbring News
If you were lucky enough to catch the last episode of the “Ambience” show on the Connecticut radio station, WWUH 91.3 FM you would have heard large slabs of albums by Slow Dancing Society, Sankt Otten, Wes Willenbring and Colour Kane. Check out the show...Apr 9, 2007 | News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Wes Willenbring News
How’s this for a triple treat – reviews of three HSR releases in the latest edition of the Ambient Music Guide. The Slow Dancing Society album “The Sound of Lights When Dim”, The Sankt Otten album “Wir Koennen Ja Freunde Bleiben”...Mar 29, 2007 | News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Wes Willenbring News
The latest edition of the ever excellent Textura online magazine features a Hidden Shoal Recordings Label profile as well as reviews of albums by Wes Willenbring, Sankt Otten and Slow Dancing Society. Other goodness to be found in the April issue include a feature on...