Dec 3, 2014 | Licensing News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Hidden Shoal is excited to announce the release of the new EP The Dusk Recital by US ambient artist Slow Dancing Society. The Dusk Recital was borne out of the sessions for Slow Dancing Society’s beautiful last album The Cogent Sea and is, in part, an instrumental...Aug 28, 2014 | News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Yet another Slow Dancing Society album has found itself in the Echoes Top 25. The Cogent Sea has been getting heavy rotation on Echoes and the more than 130 stations the show is re-broadcast on. The album is also getting healthy spins at CJAM (Canada) where’s...Aug 21, 2014 | News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Slow Dancing Society’s sixth album, The Cogent Sea, continues to receive deserved love. Our friends at Luna Kafe have posted a beautiful write of the album in their latest edition. Check out a taste below and read the full review here. “Captain Sullivan...Aug 12, 2014 | News Updates, perth, Slow Dancing Society News
Our favourite Italian blog, Music Wont Save You, featuring our favourite Italian music writer, Raffaello Russo, has just published glowing reviews of Slow Dancing Society’s The Cogent Sea and perth’s Where’s My Dystopia? If you’re not fluent...Aug 11, 2014 | Licensing News, My Majestic Star News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Hidden Shoal has recently had more music placed in another wonderful production. The fantastic short ABC documentary “Pippin Drysdale And Warrick Palmateer: The Perfect Thing” by Chad Peacock and Lauren McDonough features tracks by Hidden Shoal’s My...Aug 5, 2014 | News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Slow Dancing Society’s stunning new album The Cogent Sea has received another glowing review, this time at the wonderful Brazilian zine Railway Journey. Check the review out here and for those not fluent in Portuguese here’s a taste in English with a lot...