Apr 13, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News
Tracks from the latest releases by Sankt Otten and Slow Dancing Society have been featured on the latest edition of Ultima Thule ambient radio. The show also featured new music from Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Harold Budd, Robin Guthrie and Robert Rich to name but a few....Mar 28, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
The latest edition of Play My Tape, the music site where artists share an exclusive mix of music, features a great mix by HSR’s very own Slow Dancing Society. Previous editions have also featured mixes by Jumpel and Cheekbone, which are still available for...Mar 9, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Slow Dancing Society’s epic The Slow and Steady Winter has made number 12 in the Echoes Top 25 albums for February. A monthly list of the best new music is sent out to anyone who subscribes to the program, so visit the site to subscribe and stream the...Feb 17, 2008 | Beautiful Lunar Landscape, Indie News, Jumpel, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Tracks from recent Hidden Shoal releases by Beautiful Lunar Landscape, Jumpel and Slow Dancing Society are featured on a fantastic compilation of new ambient/downtempo music put together by excellent music zine Sonic Frontiers. Entitled Reveries, the...Feb 13, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Slow Dancing Society’s majestic The Slow and Steady Winter has just been reviewed on The Silent Ballet and Leonard’s Lair. Pop along to the respective sites to read the reviews in full, or visit the SDS reviews section to read...Jan 26, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Slow Dancing Society’s epic The Slow and Steady Winter has just been reviewed by Time Off and Hypnagogue. Visit the respective sites to read the reviews in full, or the SDS reviews section for excerpts.