Jun 18, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Excellent new British web based radio show Fluid Radio will be featuring a number of HSR artists over the coming weeks, with the new Slow Dancing Society single ‘A Warm Glow’ currently featured on their homepage. Visit the site to stream the music, and be...Jun 17, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Hidden Shoal Recordings today announced the release of the first track taken from the eagerly awaited third album by US ambient artist Slow Dancing Society. Following on from the ice-sculpted cinematics of the critically praised The Slow and Steady Winter, ‘A Warm...Jun 11, 2008 | Beautiful Lunar Landscape, Bury the Sound, Cheekbone, Chris Mason News, Colour Kane News, CSR News, Dilatazione News, Enargeia News, Ghost in the Water News, Glassacre News, Indie News, Jumpel, Low Budget Invaders News, Monocle News, Moongoat News, Motor Eye News, My Majestic Star News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Tangled Star News, The Hero Cycle, The Retail Sectors, The Slow Beings News, Toby Richardson News, Wayne Harriss News, Wes Willenbring News
If you haven’t yet listened to the Hidden Shoal Recordings radio feature on New York’s wonderful Breakthru Radio then you should head over to their website immediately and soak in what was an amazing show. The hour-long feature was curated by the beautiful...Jun 2, 2008 | Beautiful Lunar Landscape, Bury the Sound, Cheekbone, Chris Mason News, Colour Kane News, CSR News, Dilatazione News, Enargeia News, Ghost in the Water News, Glassacre News, Indie News, Jumpel, Low Budget Invaders News, Monocle News, Moongoat News, Motor Eye News, My Majestic Star News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News, Tangled Star News, The Hero Cycle, The Retail Sectors, The Slow Beings News, Toby Richardson News, Wayne Harriss News, Wes Willenbring News
From 10th June, New York’s BreakThru Radio will feature Hidden Shoal as their latest showcase label. DJ Mojo, who recently described Hidden Shoal as “This generation’s 4AD”, will curate and present a special HSR showcase, which promises to be...May 6, 2008 | Indie News, News Updates, Slow Dancing Society News
Drew Sullivan, AKA Slow Dancing Society, is putting the finishing touches to his eagerly awaited new album. Priest Lake Circa ’88 is the second part of a two-part release that began with the The Slow and Steady Winter, which was released in 2007 to critical...Apr 17, 2008 | Indie News, Jumpel, Monocle News, News Updates, Sankt Otten News, Slow Dancing Society News
The Ambience show on US radio station WWUH has just released a fantastic new compilation CD entitled Euphony, with exclusive tracks by HSR artists Jumpel, Monocle, Sankt Otten and Slow Dancing Society. Visit the station’s website for details of how to get hold...