Aug 18, 2007 | Bury the Sound, Indie News, Jumpel, News Updates
Jumpel’s mesmerising Samuel Jason Lies on the Beach and Bury the Sound’s epic Autumn Magnets are receiving airplay on the fine Ambience show on WWUH radio alongside music from such excellent artists as Hammock and Robin Guthrie. Listen live online, or tune...Aug 15, 2007 | Bury the Sound, News Updates
Bury the Sound’s Autumn Magnets EP has been receiving enthusiastic support from Re:automation radio. The latest podcast (episode 114) features the stunning track ‘Saratoga’.Jul 31, 2007 | Bury the Sound, News Updates
Another great review for Bury the Sound’s Autumn Magnets! Norwegian e-zine Luna Kafe describes the “very fine EP” as “dreamy stuff”.Jul 30, 2007 | Bury the Sound, Indie News, News Updates
Bury the Sound’s Autumn Magnets EP continues to receive great reviews, this time from Textura, who highlight the music’s “lush tonal and percussive textures” and “raw, explosive episodes”.Jul 23, 2007 | Bury the Sound, Indie News, News Updates
The stunning ‘Saratoga’ from Bury the Sound’s lauded Autumn Magnets EP was played on Triple J’s excellent Sound Lab show last night. Tune in to Triple J on Sunday nights between 11pm and 2am to hear Fenella spin an eclectic mix of leftfield...Jul 19, 2007 | Bury the Sound, Indie News, News Updates
Bury the Sound’s monumental Autumn Magnets EP has just been described as “sumptuous, emotive, and absorbing” in a glowing review on the excellent Delusions of Adequacy site. Read the full review here, or an excerpt...