Excerpt: “Much like Fat Cat’s enigmatic Hauschka and found applying a similar ear for the harnessing, manipulating and choreographing of space and silence as additional instrumentation to enhance both mood and texture as Jon Atwood nee Yellow6, Antonymes dapples his aural canvas with the merest minutiae of detail, both measured and elegiac. ‘Endlessly’ is dinked with the lightest of touches, almost ghost like in texture and effect as though a brief passing moment clipped, frozen and suspended in time. graced all at once with a softly euphoric text eclipsed with a saddening solitude that teeters and trembles from the tender to the bruised, betwixt the delicately whispered curves the opening choral lull of ice ravaged spectral opines melt in tear traced formation to silently bow to a moment paused introspective and briefly fleeting noir scratched key refrain of Satie majesty.”
Antonymes 'Endlessly' – Losing Today
Mar 25, 2011 | Antonymes Reviews, Reviews