Excerpt: “Markus Mehr ‘Cousteau’ (hidden shoal). Starts of quietly this one if fact so quietly that you may well be fooled into thinking the free download link is broken or at least faulty. Fairly certain we’ve mentioned German ambi-maestro Markus Mehr in previous despatches. There’s a debut album just out on Hidden Shoal a copy of which we are in the process of downloading with a view to a future extended mention. For now though follow the link below to claim your free download of ‘Cousteau’. all at once regal and refined – ‘cousteau’ is best listened to in the early hours of night when all is a rest that way you can appreciate in its leviathan like hulking aural structures and porcelain panoramic beauty not to mention its subtle subterranean nuances that rear into view as the feedback sheens wash over you with hypnotic wave forming finality. For fans of Manual and the more sedate end of Flying Saucer Attack’s ambient trained back catalogue.”

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